New low. I smell, so I was denied a bus ride today. Because I cannot shake the JW attachment. I am going to get a room, though. Where the mentally ill are put up. An old hotel in Chinatown. It's not far from Magic Gardens :) . Cathy, the social worker is preparing the papers, I may have to sign something. Just, until I can get back on my feet. When is that? I like it at the Faith Center, but I'm not going to Heaven or Hell and they all believe that. So I won't fit in, a square peg in a round hole. If for some reason I have to stay at my tree, I need mosquito repellant.
The meds are keeping me off tall buildings. I'm losing my bank account. I have a back up at BofA. Family is ignoring me. I visited Sex Addicts Anonymous, today. Big crowd. It's not for me. They believe in a higher power and the 12 steps and they are all in unison. Oh, and preach abstinence and say it's a disease.
"Last Crusade"(He chose poorly.") at the Square at dusk tomorrow. I'd like to call Jaimie, she's a stripper, who said she'd see a movie and have dinner, and have sex, afterward, for a gratuity. We hit it off.
I got a lot, a lot a words wrong, this time. Damn me. Yeppers.