Bill should win(Photo)
Why? Bill has no definition. He wishes to be invisible. Life is a struggle. He's a JW. Or is he? What is he? Does it matter? Can he be, just Bill? Will they permit it? Who is they? Bill is in possession of a copy of his Certificate of Live Birth. He has a Social Security Number. He is not on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. Is this Bill? To whom does it matter.
"Bill, right?", says the stripper, Mya, as she takes his money. Bill is a fraud, a wastrel and a baffoon. He is afraid of emotion, so he has none. BOO! Bill is outside of Society. A freak. He's been offered a seat at the table, but he doesn't play. He asks Mya to say it, again. "Thank you guys." Because it sounds cool.
Bill is sometimes, on the rare occassion, 10 feet tall, but mostly 2 inches. He sees his therapist a week, before the end of the month and has to wait a week to book another appointment. And she's on loan from Downtown, works in the St Johns clinic, Mondays and Fridays. All Bill knows for certain is he has two legs to carry him and how to stop and go.
When Bill dies, he will not have reason to miss life, beacuse despite the joys, they were stolen. If Bill is not a man, what is he? What is Bill? What is anyone?