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The Delimiter
Saturday, 25 July 2009
On the Fourth Floor, again


St Johns Bridge(Photo) 

"Bill, do you have any furniture?", asks Sia.  "I have nothing.", Bill replies.  "We'll get you a bed, we don't want you sleeping on the floor."

Bill had a room in Reno at Lake Mill Lodge on the Fourth Floor.  The large patio door looked West to the Sierra.  Now Bill is prepaing to move into Room 404 at the Hamilton Apartments, Portland, at 12th and Clay.  Thw two windows look North at the Grace Bible Church and it's steeple.

Hi, Sue.  Where do they meet in Salem?  I am in a motel room a couple weeks, getting a room, shortly.  Don't know, if I want to.  Started an old med, 2 days ago, it's giving me peace of mind.  Doctors put me on it, back, when I was 22 and had my first experience with mental illness.  The newer meds give me trouble.  Have to low dose this one, because it has bad side-effects.  I was in Camarillo State Hospital in California a couple weeks, until they could stabilize me.  I believe that's where the Beatles song Strawberry Fields Forever comes from, the fields make it difficult for patients to escape.
My Mother is doing a bit better, she's getting cataract surgery soon, maybe she will be able to read again.  She's always studying the WT.  She's lonely, though, no one she knows near her, beside my Brother, who gets busy with things.  He wants me to call her more often, but I have to repeat things 3 times, before Mom gets it.

Posted by btlsp at 12:09 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 25 July 2009 10:12 AM EDT

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